“They Live” is a science fiction action film directed by John Carpenter and released in 1988. The movie stars Roddy Piper as the main protagonist, Nada, along with Keith David and Meg Foster in supporting roles.

“They Live” follows the story of Nada, a drifter who discovers a pair of special sunglasses that reveal a hidden reality. When Nada puts on the sunglasses, he sees that the world is being controlled by aliens who have disguised themselves as humans. These aliens use subliminal messages and media manipulation to keep the human population subdued and unaware of their presence.

With his newfound knowledge, Nada joins a resistance group and attempts to expose the aliens’ true nature to the world. The film incorporates elements of social commentary, focusing on consumerism, mass media, and the manipulation of the working class.

“They Live” has gained a cult following over the years and is known for its iconic scenes, including the famous line, “I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass… and I’m all out of bubblegum.” The movie blends action, satire, and science fiction elements to deliver its message about the hidden powers at play in society.

If you have any specific questions about the movie or would like to know more about a particular aspect, feel free to ask!

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