Power star Pawan Kalyan’s biggest movie in his career ‘Hari Hara Veeramallu’ has raised a lot of expectations among fans. The film perfectly showcases Pawan’s stamina and everything including the story and budget appears in a range. Fans were very excited after watching the teaser of ‘Hari Hara Veeramallu’ at that time. But due to various reasons, this heavy film is getting delayed excessively. When will it be completed.. When will it be released.. There is no clarity at all.

This movie has become a hit in just ten days, and the publicity has also been very strong. It is said that post-production work is going on at 80%. An update will be given soon for the fans. This was announced by the production company.

Recently in an interview, producer AM Ratnam spoke about this movie. “If Pawan Kalyan gives dates, within 20 days we can release a movie and earn profits. But I have to make sure that the movie I am making with him should be remembered forever. I want him to have a good name. That’s why I have decided to make a Pan India movie with him for the first time. Some are promoting that this movie has already been completed. That is not true. Please do not believe such promotions. This movie will be released in two parts. With this movie, Pawan will reach another level,” clarified Ratnam. On March 8, on the occasion of Shivaratri, glimpses of ‘Hari Hara Veeramallu’ will be released, film circles are saying.

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