“Parasyte Part 1” is a 2014 Japanese science fiction horror film directed by Takashi Yamazaki. The movie is based on the manga series “Parasyte” by Hitoshi Iwaaki, which tells the story of a high school student named Shinichi Izumi (Shota Sometani) who is infected by an alien parasite.

The parasite, which takes over Shinichi’s right hand, begins to transform his body and mind. As Shinichi struggles to come to terms with his new reality, he becomes involved in a battle between humans and parasites, who are taking over the bodies of humans and feeding on them.

The film is notable for its impressive special effects, which bring the parasites to life and create a sense of visceral horror. The performances by the cast, particularly Sometani’s portrayal of Shinichi, are also strong, bringing depth and nuance to the characters.

“Parasyte Part 1” received critical acclaim upon its release and was a commercial success, leading to the release of a second part in 2015. The film’s exploration of themes such as identity, humanity, and the nature of violence make it a thought-provoking and engaging addition to the science fiction and horror genres.

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