Mili is a Hindi-language survival thriller movie launched in 2022. It is directed by using Mathukutty Xavier and produced with the aid of Boney Kapoor. The film stars Janhvi Kapoor inside the titular function, together with Manoj Pahwa and Sunny Kaushal in large roles. Mili is a remake of the 2019 Malayalam film Helen, which turned into also directed by means of Mathukutty Xavier.

Plot Summary
The story revolves around Mili Naudiyal (played by means of Janhvi Kapoor), a younger nursing graduate who receives trapped in a freezer room and should combat for survival towards the chances. The movie highlights her war to stay alive whilst her father and boyfriend desperately search for her.

Janhvi Kapoor as Mili Naudiyal
Manoj Pahwa as Mili’s father
Sunny Kaushal as Sameer, Mili’s boyfriend

Director: Mathukutty Xavier
Producer: Boney Kapoor
Music: A. R. Rahman

Mili is produced by means of Boney Kapoor underneath the banner of Zee Studios and Bayview Projects. The film’s screenplay is customized from the unique Malayalam version, making sure that the essence of the authentic tale is retained.

Upon its launch, Mili obtained reward for Janhvi Kapoor’s overall performance and the movie’s intense, gripping narrative. The route by way of Mathukutty Xavier become also favored for effectively translating the survival thriller factors from the Malayalam unique to a Hindi target market.

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