“The Dollmaker” is a 2017 horror short film directed by Al Lougher. The story follows a young couple, Sam and Kate, who move into a new home and discover a mysterious doll hidden inside a closet. The doll, which is handmade and extremely lifelike, seems to have a sinister presence, and strange things begin to happen around the house.

As Sam becomes increasingly obsessed with the doll, Kate grows more and more fearful of its power. She attempts to dispose of it, but it keeps returning to the house, seemingly of its own accord. Eventually, the true nature of the doll is revealed, and the couple must fight to escape its grasp.

The film has a creepy and unsettling atmosphere, and the use of lighting and sound design is particularly effective in building tension. The performances are strong, and the story has a satisfying twist ending that leaves a lasting impact.

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