“Haven” is a supernatural drama television series that aired from 2010 to 2015. The show is based on the novel “The Colorado Kid” by Stephen King and stars Emily Rose as FBI Agent Audrey Parker, who travels to the small town of Haven, Maine to investigate a murder case. As she begins her investigation, she discovers that the town is full of people with supernatural abilities, known as “The Troubles.”

Throughout the series, Audrey, alongside local police officer Nathan Wuornos (Lucas Bryant) and Haven resident Duke Crocker (Eric Balfour), work to solve the mysteries of the Troubles and protect the town from the dangers they pose. The show features a mix of horror, science fiction, and mystery, with a strong emphasis on character development and interpersonal relationships.

The series was praised for its engaging characters, unique premise, and expertly crafted storylines. It developed a dedicated fanbase and was critically acclaimed, earning multiple award nominations throughout its run.

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