The 2006 live-action adaptation of the popular manga and anime series Death Note is a dark and thrilling film that delves into the psychological depths of power, justice and morality here with its main plots broken down with a safety guide in their minds:


Light Yagami, a brilliant but unlucky high school student, stumbles upon a mysterious notebook called the Death Note. This notebook has the terrifying power to kill everyone whose name is written on its pages. Initially motivated by a desire to create a crime-free utopia, Light begins using the Letters of Death to eliminate criminals, and adopts himself as “Kira”.

But Light’s actions soon attract L, a world-renowned sleuth known for his quirky personality and unparalleled detective skills L is determined to find and capture Kira, and stages for an intense philosophical cat-and-mouse game between the two sages .


Little Yagami: A brilliant and ambitious young man who is captured by the power of the Death Note, and slowly turns ruthless and manipulative.

LH: An occult soldier with an incredible attitude and incredible intelligence determined to stop Kira at all costs.

Misa Suffering: Kira’s devotee and eventual companion of the Light, driven by subconscious blindness of faith and a desire to touch her immediate home.

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