“Cronos” is a 1993 horror film written and directed by Guillermo del Toro. The movie tells the story of an antique dealer named Jesús Gris (Federico Luppi), who discovers a mysterious device hidden inside a statue of an archangel. The device, known as the Cronos device, grants Jesús immortality but also transforms him into a bloodthirsty creature.

As Jesús struggles to control his new desires, he becomes the target of an elderly millionaire (Claudio Brook) who seeks the device’s power for himself. Jesús must fight to protect himself and his granddaughter (Tamara Shanath) from the millionaire’s machinations.

The film is a unique take on the vampire genre, exploring themes of mortality, greed, and obsession. Del Toro’s direction is masterful, creating a haunting atmosphere and infusing the film with elements of magical realism. The performances are also strong, particularly Luppi’s portrayal of Jesús as a man grappling with his newfound power and the consequences it brings.

“Cronos” was a critical success and helped establish del Toro as a major force in the horror genre. It won numerous awards, including the International Critics’ Week Grand Prize at the 1993 Cannes Film Festival.

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