“Parasyte Part 1” is a 2014 Japanese science fiction horror film directed by Takashi Yamazaki. The movie is based on the manga series “Parasyte” by Hitoshi Iwaaki, which tells the…
A gymnastics coach must deal with a man who has taken an interest in the young girls she coaches. The man makes a bold move and the coach responds with…
A family struggles to live with a spirit that becomes deadly if its presence is acknowledged. Written, Directed, Editing, VFX: Sam Evenson Story by: Jeff Speziale Starring: Madison Rojas Madison…
An American Werewolf in London” is a 1981 horror-comedy film written and directed by John Landis. The movie follows two American backpackers, David (David Naughton) and Jack (Griffin Dunne), who…
“Haven” is a supernatural drama television series that aired from 2010 to 2015. The show is based on the novel “The Colorado Kid” by Stephen King and stars Emily Rose…
“Cronos” is a 1993 horror film written and directed by Guillermo del Toro. The movie tells the story of an antique dealer named Jesús Gris (Federico Luppi), who discovers a…
“The American” is a 2010 thriller film directed by Anton Corbijn and starring George Clooney. The movie follows the story of an assassin named Jack (Clooney), who hides out in…
“5 Headed Shark Attack” is a 2017 sci-fi horror film directed by Nico De Leon. The movie is a sequel to the 2012 film “2 Headed Shark Attack” and features…
Weeks after physics student Mark Stevenson has seemingly disappeared his sister Stephanie visits his apartment to see if she can find any clues as to where he is… Created by:…
When a teenage girl tells her dad about a mysterious figure staring at her, all her father can say is: “DON’T LOOK AWAY”.