“The Mechanic” is an action thriller film released in 2011. Directed by Simon West, the movie stars Jason Statham in the lead role, alongside Ben Foster, Tony Goldwyn, Donald Sutherland,…
“The Frighteners” is a horror-comedy film released in 1996. Directed by Peter Jackson, the movie stars Michael J. Fox in the lead role, alongside Trini Alvarado, Peter Dobson, John Astin,…
“Tidal Wave,” also known as “Haeundae,” is a South Korean disaster film released in 2009. Directed by Yoon Je-kyoon, the movie features a star-studded cast including Sol Kyung-gu, Ha Ji-won,…
“Snakes on a Plane” is an action thriller film released in 2006. It was directed by David R. Ellis and starred Samuel L. Jackson in the lead role. The movie…
A young woman visits a secluded riverbank to relax in the sun. When a mosquito bites her, it becomes clear that there is a secret force of nature at work….
Initial release: 14 January 2022 Director: Mahesh Manjrekar Story by: Jayant Pawar Language: Marathi This movie is a brutal look at coming of age in a city whose citizens have…
the box office performance of the movie “Adipurush” on its first day of release. While the final figures are not yet available, early estimates suggest that the movie has collected…
The highly anticipated clash between two renowned stars, Kamal Haasan and Prabhas, is imminent in the South film industry. Recent reports reveal that Kamal Haasan, a National Award-winning actor, has…
Adipurush, the highly anticipated film featuring Telugu superstar Prabhas, has been released in theaters worldwide. This mythological drama presents a fresh retelling of the revered Hindu epic, Ramayan. Directed by…
8 Episodes 2023 Drama,Suspense Audio Languages: TeluguTamil Subtitles: English Avinash Chakraborty is a ruthless lawyer who leaves no stone unturned to win a case. What will he do when he…