The trist everyday life of two fishermen gets interrupted, when they pull up a mystical box from the swamps. They realize, that the box has magical powers, so they try to make their dark and hopeless world with the help of it a better place. But it is a dangerous game, to play god.

Director: Till Sander-Titgemeyer, Diego Hauenstein
Cinematography: Jan Robin Weiland
VFX Supervision: Mario Bertsch
Film Music: Benedikt Immerz
Sounddesign: Niklas Menschik
Visual Effects: Linda Krauss, Wunna Winter, Verena Nomura, York v. Sydow, Enzio Probst
Executive Producer: Nina Schwarz
Compositing: Lukas Löffler, Witold Pluzanski
Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Cast: Denise Hasler, Christopher Parkinson



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