Priyamani, who played the lead role as Bhaama in the extraordinary actress Kalapam, was released as an OTT platform at that time and received a super response. Now, makers have brought Bhaama Kalapam 2 as another OTT platform in front of the audience. Telugu OTT has come to the forefront. Did they include more thrilling elements in this sequel? What is the daring act Anupama did this time? Should we watch a real heist thriller this weekend? Let’s find out after watching this review.

In the first part, Anupama (Priyamani) cooks food on a YouTube channel platform. With the disappearance of a ₹200 crore valuable necklace at the Kolkata Museum, she and her family get involved in troubles. It is turned into a murder mystery. Somehow, Anupama’s family moves out of the troubles and the second part begins. That’s how they started the second part of the first part.

Anupama, who promised her husband that she would never interfere in other people’s matters, starts a food hotel with the income she earns through her YouTube channel. Partnering with her business-minded friend Shilpa (Sharanya), Anupama enthusiastically begins a restaurant named Ghumghum. As she strives to lead a happy life, she applies to participate in the 2023 National Level Cooking Competition.

So, on the other hand, Anthony Lobo (Anuj Gurwara), a drug smuggler, smuggler.. He creates a massive network to smuggle drugs from Europe under the guise of the cooking idol trophy. Why did the situation arise where Anupama had to give her a code bomb worth Rs. 1000 crore to smuggle drugs? What problems did she face from the villain in this sequence? How did she overcome this situation when faced with a situation that reveals the truth…

When a problem arises, she is the one who fights without giving up and wins, that’s the spirit of Anupama’s character. Anupama – Shilpa’s comedy, Jubeda’s glamour, she has performed very well. Some situations there seemed more like acting than lagging. It creates interest by connecting the negative characters with the situations. A twist that the viewer cannot predict is presented in the pre-climax. Now, Bhamakalapam 3 also has a climax that creates another interest in foreign countries.

If you ask who did it: It seems that she cooked for Priyamani’s sake. She feels like she is the one who showed the women’s show. If you see Sharanya, there are only smiles. As a girl who wants to be a heroine, she is glamorous with Seerat Kapoor. Antony Lobo, Tashir, and Sadanand have acted well with their characters. Brahmaji played the role of a guest well. Technically, the production values are good. Prashanth R. Vihari’s background music, Deepak’s cinematography, and Viplav Nishad’s editing are good.

If you want to meet with the family and watch a movie, then you must watch this movie without any hesitation. If you want to watch a good suspense thriller this weekend, then watch Bhama Kalapam-2. In the first part, the director who achieved success with Gudde, this time also achieved success with Kodi Punjutonu.

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