An American Werewolf in London” is a 1981 horror-comedy film written and directed by John Landis. The movie follows two American backpackers, David (David Naughton) and Jack (Griffin Dunne), who are attacked by a werewolf while hiking on the moors of England. Jack is killed, while David survives the attack but is left with a curse that turns him into a werewolf at each full moon.

As David tries to come to terms with his new condition, he begins to experience disturbing hallucinations and visions of his friend Jack, who warns him of the dangers that lie ahead. Meanwhile, the police and a doctor become involved in the case, investigating the mysterious killings that are occurring around London.

The film is known for its groundbreaking makeup and special effects, which won an Academy Award. It also features a memorable soundtrack that includes the classic Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon. Landis’ direction balances horror and humor, resulting in a film that is both frightening and entertaining. The performances by Naughton and Dunne are also noteworthy, with Dunne’s role as the undead Jack providing a comedic counterpoint to the film’s horror elements.

“An American Werewolf in London” is considered a classic of the horror-comedy genre and remains a cult favorite among fans of both genres.

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