Plot Summary: Dr. Kevin Riley (Eion Bailey), his spouse Julie (Bethany Joy Lenz), and their 5-12 months-old son Andy (Mauricio Alemañy) embark on a vacation inside the Bahamas. Their idyllic experience takes a dire turn once they grow to be stranded on a abandoned island with out resources. A neighborhood fisherman, Miguel Kaba (Barkhad Abdi), discovers them and demands a ransom of 1,000,000 bucks for their rescue. Unable to pay, Kevin is forced into a desperate race against time to shop his circle of relatives, facing moral dilemmas and lifestyles-threatening demanding situations.

Main Cast:

Eion Bailey as Dr. Kevin Riley
Bethany Joy Lenz as Julie Riley
Barkhad Abdi as Miguel Kaba
Danny Glover as Constable Haagen
Mauricio Alemañy as Andy Riley
Production Details:

Director: Phil Volken
Producer: Phil Volken, Alina Shraybman
Writer: Phil Volken
Music: Gad Emile Zeitune
Editing: Phil Volken
Production Companies: Del Rey Productions, thirteen Films, Producer Capital Fund
Distributor: Lionsgate
Runtime: 109 mins
Language: English

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